Subject Selection

The Year 10 Subject Selections Day for boys and girls will be staged on Friday the 14th of August

The University Admissions Centre (UAC) have created a nice list of their tips for choosing HSC courses

Download UAC's top ten tips

In addition to these top 10 tips, UAC also have details to assist students who want to go to University

Visit UAC's guide to uni for year 10 students


The Calrossy Careers Program assists and helps prepare all students in year 10 with their subject selections.

Invaluable information through presentations and personal discussions with people on hand will be available on the day, including:

  • A well rounded summary of the options available to students and the benefits to selecting appropriate subject based on student talents and career interests
  • TAFE NSW Tamworth Campus representative who will talk about TAFE Vocational Training options for year 11 and 12 (TVET)
  • Training Services NSW representative who will talk about School Based Traineeships and Apprenticeships for year 11 and 12
  • University of New England representative who will talk to students about subject choices and how these can apply to university course options post school


Are you a student who isn’t really sure whether to choose maths or not, this may help …..
Yes, Fashion Designers need maths skills too!